


Package with helper functions for doing unit tests. The functions raise exceptions of class AssertError, which is a subclass of StandardError.

assert_eq(obj1, obj2) → exception or nil

Raises exception if obj1 is not equal to obj2. Uses == method.

UnitTest::assert_eq(1, 2) // => AssertError exception
assert_eq_eps(obj1, obj2, eps) → exception or nil

Raises exception if objects (usually floating point numbers) are not equal within defined epsilon. Uses eq_eps method.

UnitTest::assert_eq_eps(10.0/3.3  ,  3.03030303030303, Float::Epsilon)
assert_neq(obj1, obj2) → exception or nil

Raises exception if objects are equal. Uses == method.

assert_true(obj) → exception or nil

Raises exception if the object is not equal to true.

assert_false(obj) → exception or nil

Raises exception if the object is not equal to false.

assert_nil(obj) → exception or nil

Raises exception if the object is not equal to nil.


Package for physics.


Package for electron diffraction.

calc_s(lambda:, teta: nil, r: nil, l: nil) → float

Calculation of s-value from electron wavelength lambda (required argument in Angstroms), diffraction angle teta (in degrees) or a pair r (distance in mm from the center of diffraction pattern to the point in the plane of detector) and l (distance in mm from diffraction point to the detector plane).

u2lam(float) → float

Calculates relativistic electron wavelength [Å] from accelerating voltage u [V]. See Eq. ( on page 262 in [1].

lam2u(float) → float

Calculates accelerating voltage [V] from relativistic electron wavelength lam [Å]. See Eq. ( on page 262 in [1].


Class of vectors with s-values. Subclassed from FVector.

Class object methods
from_rv(rvec, lambda, l) → svec

Create a vector of s-values from the vector of r-values. Input parameters are: the vector rvec of r-values in mm, the electron wavelength lambda (in Angstroms) and the distance from the diffraction point to the detector l (in mm).

Instance methods
to_rv(lambda, l) → fvec

Create a vector of r-values from the vector of s-values. Input parameters are floating point values of the electron wavelength lambda (in Angstroms) and the distance from the diffraction point to the detector l (in mm). Values in the output vector are in mm.


Class of electron diffraction patterns. Defined in the Physics::ED package. Inherited from the Media::Image class. Implemented mostly in the edpattern module.

Instance methods
average_profile(xcenter, ycenter, rvec, average: fvec, stdev: fvec, skewness: fvec, kurtosis: fvec, npix: ivec, weighting: bool, rwidth: float) → fvec

Calculates average profile from radially symmetric images. Input parameters are integer coordinates of the center and a vector of r-values (distances from center in mm), in which profile values should be averaged. Others are optional named arguments. The average can be used if the averaged profile values should be on output in the user-defined vector. The stdev, skewness, kurtosis and npix can be defined if respective values of standard deviations, skewness, excess kurtosis and amounts of used pixels for each profile point are required. The weighting argument is used to turn on or off the weighting in the processing of pixels. The rwidth determines thickness (in fractions of pixels) of the processed profile rings on the diffraction pattern. It is advised to use odd numbers or values close to odd numbers for this parameter. The method takes into account current active mask and area of the image. This method returns a vector with averaged profile values.

ptrn =
rval = FVector.range(11.0, 0.1, 40.0)
vari =
vprof = ptrn.average_profile(499, 495, rval, stdev: sd)
avprof_outliers_zscore(xc, yc, rvec, thr, average: vec, stdev: vec, weighting: bool, rwidth: float) → mask

First, calculates averaged profile for the given center defined by the coordinates xc and yc and r-values in rvec. Second, this method finds outlier pixels using the z-score method with the threshold value thr. Optional named arguments can be provided if averaged values of profile and/or respective standard deviations are required. The arguments weighting and rwidth have the same meaning as in the average_profile method. This method returns mask with outliers.

ptrn =
rval = FVector.range(11.0, 0.1, 40.0)
mask = ptrn.avprof_outliers_zscore(499, 495, rval, 1.0)
from_profile(xc, yc, r, v) → nil

Calculate diffraction pattern from profile values. xc and yc are coordinates (in pixels) of the center. r and v are vectors with distances (in mm) and respective values of profile. Note, active mask and area are taken into account.

vlen = 800
r =
v =
i = 0
while i < vlen
  r[i] = 0.1*i
  v[i] = Math::sin(r[i])
  i += 1
ptrn =
ptrn.set_size(1500, 1000)
ptrn.set_resolution(508.0, 508.0)
ptrn.from_profile(750, 500, r, v)
mask_rrange(xc, yc, rmin, rmax) → bitarr

Creates mask on the basis of the minimal and maximal distances (in mm) from the center (xc and yc in pixels) of the diffraction pattern. Pixels outside of the [rmin, rmax] range are masked.

ptrn.set_size(1500, 1000)
ptrn.set_resolution(508.0, 508.0)
ptrn.mask_rrange(750, 500, 10.0, 20.0)
scancc_avprof_lsqre(cxmin, cxmax, cymin, cymax, rval, zthr: 0.0, skewf: 0.0, kurtf: 0.0, weighting: false, rwidth: 0.99, fast: true, verbose: false) → cxopt, cyopt

Scan coordinates of the center by calculating averaged profile and testing least squared relative errors. Finds optimal coordinates for the center of the diffraction pattern by two-dimensional scanning of pixels in the ranges cxmin — cxmax and cymin — cymax. The profiles are calculated for the distances defined in the input fvector rval in mm. In calculations of profiles outliers can be detected using Z-score method if the respective threshold is defined with the zthr named parameter. If named arguments skewf and/or kurtf are defined, then the total tested functional value is calculated taking into account values of skewness and kurtosis for all profile values. Sums of squared skewness and kurtosis multiplied by respective factors skewf and kurtf are added to the sum of squared relative errors of profile values. Parameters weighting, rwidth and fast are passed to the methods avprof_outliers_zscore and average_profile. If the verbose argument is set to true, then information is printed on each iteration: currently tested coordinates of the center, total functional value, components of the total functional (sums of relative errors, skewnesses and kurtoses) and the number of detected outliers. This method returns list of two values, x and y coordinates of the found center.

scancc_avprof_lsqrp(cxmin, cxmax, cymin, cymax, rval, zthr: 0.0, dzthr: 0.0, weighting: false, rwidth: 0.99, fast: true, verbose: false) → cxopt, cyopt

Scan coordinates of the center by calculating averaged profile and testing least squares of residuals between model and real pixel values. Most of the parameters have the same meaning as in the scancc_avprof_lsqre method. With the parameter dzthr can be defined Z-score threshold value for detecting outliers of the difference image. These outlier pixels, as well as outliers possibly detected by profile averaging (see argument zthr), are not taken into account in calculations of functional values. The verbose argument can be used to turn on printing of information: currently tested coordinates of the center, total functional value, number of detected outliers in profile averaging, additional number of detected outliers for the delta image.


Package for digital media.


Class of images. Defined in the Media package. Implemented mostly in the image module.

Instance methods

Many methods take into account image mask and area. This means that only those pixels are processed which are not masked and which are the current in active area. If no mask and area are defined then all pixels are processed.

import_bitarr(bitarr,width,height) → img

Imports data from bit array and returns bilevel (1-bit) image of size width-x-height., 20, 5)
              // => <Image: 20x5 gray1>
import_fmat(fmat) → img

Imports data from floating-point matrix and returns image of the same size as the matrix.

fmat = FMatrix.diagonal(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0)
img =
inspect() → string

Creates a string representing the image. // => "<Image: 0x0>""test.tif") // => "<Image: 125x125 gray16ui>"
import_tiff(filename) → img

Imports data from file in TIFF format. The argument filename should be given as string. Currently 8- and 16-bit grayscale compressed and uncompressed TIFFs are supported.

img ="test.tif") // => <Image: 10x10 gray8ui>
export_tiff(filename, args) → nil

Export image data to a file in TIFF format. The argument filename should be given as string. Additional optional named arguments are:

  • compress: 'options'

  • mask: 'black' or 'white'

  • model: 'gray16ui'

  • photo: 'miniswhite' or 'minisblack'

Note, model options here are not related to data models used for images from this class but only define how data are stored in the created TIFF file.

img ="test.tif")
                                 // => <Image: 10x10 gray8ui>
img.export_tiff("img_masked_w.tif", mask:'white')
img.export_tiff("img_masked_b.tif", mask:'black')
img.export_tiff("img_photo_w.tif",  photo:'miniswhite')
img.export_tiff("img_photo_b.tif",  model:'gray16ui', photo:'minisblack')
import_basimg(filename) → img
import_basimg(imgname,infname) → img

Imports data from files in BAS IMG format. This format assumes existance of two files, one with pixel data and the other with information on image dimensions, etc. If one argument filename is given then the method tries to open files with names filename.img and filename.inf. Alternatively, both files can be defined explicitly by calling the method with two arguments.

// Open example.img and example.inf"example") // => <Image: 125x125 gray16ui>
print_info() → nil

Prints basic information about image.

img ="test.tif")
  // Dimensions: 3x3 pixels
  // Data model: gray16ui
  // Grayscale model: min-is-black
  // Bits per sample: 16
  // Samples per pixel: 1
  // Resolution: 72.000000 dpi (x), 72.000000 dpi (y)
  // => nil
print_data() → nil

Prints data in image.

img ="10x10.tif")
  //Sample #0:
  // 255 255 255 255 237 237 255 255 255 255
  // 255 255 237 220 203 203 220 237 255 255
  // 255 237 203 166 144 144 166 203 237 255
  // 255 220 166 115  86  86 115 166 220 255
  // 237 203 144  86  54  54  86 144 203 237
  // 237 203 144  86  54  54  86 144 203 237
  // 255 220 166 115  86  86 115 166 220 255
  // 255 237 203 166 144 144 166 203 237 255
  // 255 255 237 220 203 203 220 237 255 255
  // 255 255 255 255 237 237 255 255 255 255
  // => nil
entropy() → float

Calculates and returns information entropy for the image. This method takes into account mask and area of the image. The image should contain data of models 'gray8ui' or 'gray16ui'.

img ="10x10.tif")
img.entropy()                                 // => 3.17
statistics() → list of values

Calculates statistics for the image. The list of values includes average pixel value, standard deviation, skewness, excess kurtosis, minimal value, two coordinates of the pixel with the minimal value, maximal value, two coordinates of the pixel with the maximal value, total number of samples (pixels used in calculation of statistics). This method takes into account mask and area of image.

tif ="dot10x10.tif")
// => 199.92,61.50300641415669,-0.9682298330044166,-0.301812444417843,54.0,4,4,255.0,0,0,100
average() → list of values

Calculates average value of pixel for the image. The list of values includes the calculated average pixel value and number of pixels used in calculation. This method takes into account mask and area of the image. u/

stdev() -→ list of values

Calculates standard deviation of pixel values for the image. The output list includes the calculated value of standard deviation and number of pixels used in calculation. This method takes into account mask and area of the image.

min() → list of values
max() → list of values

These methods determine minimal and maximal pixel values for an image. The output list contains several values: minimal or maximal pixel values, coordinates of the corresponding pixel with minimal or maximal value and total number of considered pixels. This method takes into account mask and area of the image.

to_powri(drange:, exp:) → img
to_powri!(drange:, exp:) → img

Converts image from gray16ui to gray64fp data model calculating relative intensities of pixels using the general formula

$$I = drange \times \left( \frac{J}{G} \right) ^{exp}$$

where drange is the dynamic range (default value is 1.0e5), exp is the exponent (must be defined explicitly), G is the maximal grayscale value (65535 for 16 bit images), J is the grayscale value of the pixel (min-is-white grayscale model is assumed). Note, for TIFF files produced by Amersham Typhoon software drange is typically 105 and exp must be 1.0. GEL files by Amersham Typhoon software are also in fact in TIFF format but coded so that exp is equal to 2.0. The method with ! does calculation in place, changes the model of the original image and returns the original image. The other method returns a new image as the result of the conversion and leaves unmodified the original image.

img ="image.gel")
img2 = img.to_powri(drange: 1.0e6, exp: 2.0)
img ="image.tif")
img.to_powri!(exp: 1.0)
from_powri(drange:, exp:, model:) → img
from_powri!(drange:, exp:, model:) → img

These methods do the opposite to the to_powri() and to_powri!(), namely convert gray64fp images to gray8ui or gray16ui data models (depending on the required model: named argument). The named arguments drange: and exp: correspond to those in to_powri() and to_powri!() methods, i.e. the used here formula is

$$J = G \times \left( \frac{I}{drange} \right) ^{\frac{1}{exp}}$$

The default value for the named argument drange: is 105. Note, the calculation is done only for pixels in area and not masked pixels. Pixels witn negative and zero values are converted to pixels with J = 0.

img ="image.gel")
img2 = img.to_powri(drange: 1.0e6, exp: 2.0)
img3 = img2.from_powri(drange: 1.0e6, exp: 2.0, model: 'gray16ui')
to_fujiri(psize:, sens:, drange:) → img
to_fujiri!(psize:, sens:, drange:) → img

Converts image from gray16ui to gray64fp data model calculating relative intensities of pixels using the general Fuji formula [2, 3]:

$$I = \left( \frac{psize}{100} \right) ^2 \times \frac{4000}{sens} \times 10^{drange \left( \frac{J}{G} - 0.5 \right)}$$

where psize is the size of pixels in μm (typical values are 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0 and 200.0), sens is the sensitivity parameter (typical values are 1000.0, 4000.0 and 10000.0), drange is the dynamic range parameter (typical values are 4.0 and 5.0 corresponding to the dynamic ranges 104 and 105, respectively), G is the maximal grayscale value (65535 for 16 bit images), J is the grayscale value of the pixel (min-is-white grayscale model is assumed). Note, these parameters are defined as operational settings for the particular IP-scanner. In this method you should use the same values of parameters as they were defined at the scanning. Note, Amersham Typhoon software can assume the formula stem c9d56a8cdb7f406da3d27cee5b514e77 irrespective of settings. This corresponds to the general formula above with parameters psize=100.0, sens=12.649111 and drange=5.0. The method with ! does calculation in place, changes the model of the original image and returns the original image. The other method returns a new image as the result of the conversion and leaves unmodified the original image.

img ="image")
img2 = img.to_fujiri(psize: 50.0, sens: 4000.0, drange: 5.0)
img.to_fujiri!(psize: 50.0, sens: 4000.0, drange: 5.0)
from_fujiri(psize:, sens:, drange:, model:) → img
from_fujiri!(psize:, sens:, drange:, model:) → img

These methods do the opposite to the to_fujiri() and to_fujiri!(), namely convert gray64fp images to gray8ui or gray16ui data models (depending on the required model: named argument). The named arguments psize:, sens: and drange: correspond to those in to_fujiri() and to_fujiri!() methods, i.e. the used here formula is

$$J = G \times \left( \frac{\log_{10} \left( \frac{I}{\left( \frac{psize}{100} \right) ^2 \times \frac{4000}{sens}} \right) }{drange} + 0.5 \right)$$

Note, the calculation is done only for pixels in area and not masked pixels. Pixels witn negative and zero values are converted to pixels with J = 0.

img ="image")
img2 = img.to_fujiri(psize: 100.0, sens: 4000.0, drange: 5.0)
img3 = img2.from_fujiri(psize: 100.0, sens: 4000.0, drange: 5.0, model: 'gray16ui')
to_logri(base:) → img
to_logri!(base:) → img

Converts image from gray8ui or gray16ui to gray64fp data model calculating relative intensities of pixels using the formula

$$I = \log_{base} \frac{G}{G - J}$$

where G is the maximal grayscale value (255 and 65535 for 8 and 16 bit images, respectively), J is the grayscale value of the pixel. By default base is equal to e so natural logarithm is used. In special cases when J = G the relative intensity is calculated as stem 438da388d8ed1f21eba6b3adc7e0aae8. The formulae above are for the min-is-white grayscale model. In the case of min-is-black model the pixel values are automatically recalculated as stem 57170a08c386967c98fe177be937ceb2. The method with ! does calculation in place, changes the model of the original image and returns the original image. The other method returns a new image as the result of the conversion and leaves unmodified the original image.

img ="image.tif")
img2 = img.to_logri()
img.to_logri!(base: 10.0)
from_logri(base:, model:) → img
from_logri!(base:, model:) → img

These methods do the opposite to the to_logri() and to_logri!(), namely convert gray64fp images to gray8ui or gray16ui data models (depending on the required model: named argument) using exponentiation. The named argument base: corresponds to that in to_logri() and to_logri!() methods, i.e. the used here formula is

$$J = G - \frac{G}{base^I}$$

The default value for the named argument base: is e. Note, the calculation is done only for pixels in area and not masked pixels. Pixels witn negative and zero values are converted to pixels with J = 0.

img ="image.tif")
img2 = img.to_logri()
img3 = img2.from_logri(model: 'gray16ui')
scale_data(sf) → img
scale_data!(sf) → img

Multiply pixel values by the factor sf (must be a floating point number). The data model of the image must be gray64fp. This method takes into account image mask and area. The method scale_data returns a new image, the method scale_data! modifies the image data in place and returns it.

img =
img.set_size(10, 5)
img2 = img.scale_data(10.0)
normalize_minmax(min, max) → img
normalize_minmax!(min, max) → img

Applies a linear transformation (rescaling, min-max normalization) so that minimal and maximal pixel values become min and max. This method takes into account image mask and area. The version of the method with the ! mark modifies the original image and returns it. The other method returns a new normalized image while the original image remains unchanged.

img ="image.tif").to_logri!()
img2 = img.normalize_minmax(0.0, 1.0)
abs() → img
abs!() → img

Converts image data to absolute values. Expects gray64fp data model. These methods take into account image mask and area. The version of the method with the ! mark modifies the original image and returns it. The other method returns a new image while the original image remains unchanged.

img =
img.set_size(10, 5)
img2 = img.abs()
mask_outliers_zscore(fac) → bitarr

Detects outlier pixels in the image using Z-score method. The argument fac must be a floating point number, which is used as a factor for the calculated standard deviation of pixel values. The created mask is returned as a bit array. Note, the mask is not applied to the image automatically. This method takes into account current image mask and area.

img ="my.tif") // => <Image: 125x125 gray16ui>
img.to_logri!()                                // => <Image: 125x125 gray64fp>
img.mask = img.mask_outliers_zscore(3.0)       // => <Bit array: size=15625>
active_pixels() → int

Returns number of pixels, which are in the current area and not masked.

img =
img.set_size(10, 5)
img.active_pixels() // => 50
width() → int
height() → int
size() → width,height

Return image width or height, or return a list of the two values, respectively.

set_size(width, height) → nil

Sets width and height (in pixels) for image. This method destroys previous image data.

img =
img.set_size(100, 50)
set_resolution(xres, yres) → nil

Sets resolution (in dpi) along x- and y-directions for image.

img =
img.set_resolution(299.9, 300.1)
resolution() → xres, yres

Returns a list of two floating point values, corresponding to the image resolution (in dpi) in x and y directions, respectively.

set_data(value) → img

Set image pixel values equal to value. Masked and not in area pixels are not set. The type of value must correspond to the image data model. If the model is not yet defined then it is initialized automatically.

img =  // => <Image: 0x0>
img.set_size(10, 5)
img.set_data(5.5)         // => <Image: 10x5 gray64fp>
img2 =
img2.set_size(10, 10)
img2.set_data(111)        // => <Image: 10x10 gray8ui>
img3 =
img3.set_size(10, 10)
img3.set_data(12345)        // => <Image: 10x10 gray16ui>
set_random_gauss(generator, mu: 0.0, sigma: 1.0) → img
set_random_gauss!(generator, mu: 0.0, sigma: 1.0) → img

Set pixel values to random floating point numbers from Gaussian distribution with parameters mu and sigma, respectively. The first argument must be a generator of random numbers. The other two are optional named arguments for mean value and standard deviation of the distribution with default values 0.0 and 1.0, respectively. The returned image has 'gray64fp' data model. These methods take into account image mask and area, i.e. only pixels in area (if defined) and not masked pixels are set. The version of the method with the ! mark modifies the original image and returns it. The other method returns a new image while the original image remains unchanged.

generator =
img =
img.set_size(100, 100)
img.set_random_gauss!(generator, mu: 15.0, sigma: 10.0)
img1 + float → img
img1 + img2 → img
img1 - float → img
img1 - img2 → img
img1 * img2 → img
img1 * float → img

Arithmetic operations with pixel values. A new image as a product of an operation is returned. Only pixels in area (if defined) and not masked pixels are processed.

img =
img.set_size(10, 5)
img2 = img + 3.0
img3 = img * img2
img4 = 0.1*(img3 - img)
convert(model) → img
convert!(model) → img

Convert image from current data model to the model defined by input argument model as a symbol. Current implementation allows conversion between models 'gray16ui' and 'gray64fp'. If no model was defined for the image before, then the model is just set and pixel values are initialized to be zero. The method convert returns a new image. In case of convert! the original image is converted and returned.

img =
img.set_size(10, 10)
img2 = img.convert('gray16ui')
equalize() → img
equalize!() → img

Performs histogram equalization. The method with exclamation mark modifies data of the original image and returns it. The other method returns a new image.

orig_hilbert =,100)).convert!('gray16ui')
equalized_hilbert = orig_hilbert.equalize()
img1 == img2 → true or false
img1 != img2 → true or false

Testing for (non-)equality of two images. Images are equal if they have the same widths, heights, resolutions in both directions, data models (including biths per sample and samples per pixel) and values of pixels. Comparison of pixels is done taking into accound mask and area of the first image. In case of gray64fp data model the comparison is done taking into account machine accuracy (see Float::Epsilon). If img2 is not an image then the objects are not equal.

tif1 ="gray8.tif")
tif2 ="gray8.tif")
tif1 != tif2 // => false
tif1 == tif2 // => true
tif1 == 1 // => false
sumsqr() → float

Calculates and returns sum of squared pixel values. This method takes into account mask and area of the image. Implemented for the 'gray64fp' model.

img =,10))
img.sumsqr() // => 3.18810710572248
basimg2tiff(imgf, tiff: nil) → nil

Convert image in BAS IMG format to an image in TIFF format. The input image is defined by normal argument imgf, which must be the name of image file without extension. Two files are expected to exist with this name and extensions '.img' and '.inf'. The name of output can be created automatically by adding the '.tif' extesion to the input imgf argument or can be defined explicitly using named argument tiff.

Media::Image::basimg2tiff("../../myfile", tiff: "converted.tif")


[1] A. W. Ross, M. Fink, R. Hilderbrandt, J. Wang, and V. H. J. Smith, “Complex scattering factors for the diffraction of electrons by gases,” in International Tables for Crystallography Volume C: Mathematical, physical and chemical tables, Third edition., E. Prince, Ed. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, pp. 262–391.

[2] N. Vogt, R. Rudert, A. N. Rykov, N. M. Karasev, I. F. Shishkov, and J. Vogt, “Use of imaging plates (IPs) in the gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) experiments on the EG-100 M apparatus. The tetrachloromethane molecule as a test object,” Struct. Chem., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 287–291, 2011, doi: 10.1007/s11224-010-9707-6.

[3] R. J. F. Berger, M. Hoffmann, S. A. Hayes, and N. W. Mitzel, “An Improved Gas Electron Diffractometer – The Instrument, Data Collection, Reduction and Structure Refinement Procedures,” Z. Naturforsch. B Chem. Sci., vol. 64b, no. 11/12, pp. 1259–1268, 2009.